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Idiomatic’s customer feedback analytics software

Instant Voice of Customer 

Any help desk, any survey, any feedback, any scale.

How it works:

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Truly customer-focused
companies use Idiomatic

increase in product satisfaction
saved in annual support costs
decrease in complaints
more customer feedback analyzed
increase in positive CSAT scores
reduction in top customer issues

Understand your customer with feedback analytics software

We identify customer pain points, drivers, and sentiment across different contact sources. We solve the problem of CS & CX teams not being able to leverage existing user feedback effectively to drive product, service, or operations improvements.

We unlock the “why” behind your customer feedback with advanced AI that’s customized to your business. Stop relying on general text analytics & manual analysis, and turn your customer feedback into a complete, data-driven voice of customer picture with Idiomatic’s feedback analytics software.


Some of our customer-favorite features

Custom data labels organized in easy to understand categories and issues

Custom data labels organized in easy-to-understand categories and issues

We bridge the gap between how your customers speak and how you describe the issues, by creating a comprehensive and custom set of labels for each of your unique data sets. This results in

  1. Surfaced trends you may not have seen before.
  2. Unified and up-to-date insights on an on-going basis.
Human-quality insights at scale

Ticket group summaries

We show you a summary (generated by AI) of each critical topic, representing a group of similar tickets so you don’t have to read each ticket to understand trends in your data.

Custom sentiment analysis models

Custom sentiment analysis models

Our sentiment labels are calibrated to the specific channels of your customer feedback. For each data source (app reviews, support tickets, etc.) we have different sentiment analysis models. As a result, you can track more accurate sentiments by channel.

Ability to create and track different user segments

Ability to create and track different user segments

With the custom filters you create for your user segments, you can view which issues are important to your specific user segments.

Triage of tickets

Routing and triage of support tickets

You can improve your support experiences by automatically routing and escalating tickets based on the customer issue.

Report builder

Report builder

You can build, schedule and share custom reports (via email) about your customer issues, from the Idiomatic dashboard. 

Resolution Time and Support Cost

Cost per Ticket

You can calculate your fully-loaded cost per ticket (for each ticket). It shows your cost

  • per help desk channel
  • per customer segment
  • per customer issue.

Knowing your cost per issue allows you to prioritize your support operations to maximize your ROI and minimize your costs to have the greatest impact on the company bottom line.


Process any type of customer feedback

Idiomatic’s customer feedback software analyzes any form of feedback data including:

  • Phone transcripts: A lot can be said over the phone and in a short period of time. Capture each call’s sentiment to understand the underlying issues of each call and to speed up the analysis process with machine learning.
  • Emails: From sales or customer support, our system can monitor email exchanges to analyze employee and customer interaction, measure customer loyalty, and more.
  • Live chats: Your website’s live chat is full of valuable data, but if your live chat is like most, it can take a while to get to the root of the issue. Sifting through lines of text isn’t the best use of time for your team. Idiomatic’s customer feedback platform turns lines of text into visual feedback that’s easy to analyze and action.
  • Survey responses: Stop manually analyzing qualitative data from survey responses. Our customer feedback tool analyzes all forms of surveys to help you get a complete picture of customer sentiment to action change.
  • Social media: Integrate, monitor, and analyze any social platform. You can even filter by users who have more followers (whose posts may cause more harm to your business because of their reach).
  • Chatbot: Idiomatic makes it completely obvious which issues your chatbot is handling well and where you need to continue to refine the workflows.

These are just a few of the feedback sources that Idiomatic analyzes. Our software is capable of working with any feedback source. Book a demo to see how it can work for your company’s main channels. 

Request a free, custom demo


Our customer feedback tools will take care of (just about) everything

Our software is entirely automated. All you have to do is collect customer feedback, connect your data sources, and let our AI do the rest. Our software allows you to organize and distill valuable customer data into actionable insights. 

Here’s a complete breakdown:

  • Integrate: Connect your consumer feedback sources with our software. Our feedback widget integrates with any feedback source to automate the entire process. Categorize your feedback in a way that makes sense for your business. Our interface is 100% customizable to suit your company’s needs. 
  • Monitor and analyze: Monitor customer feedback as it rolls in. Use filters to get to the most important reviews and comments. 
  • Action: Our customer feedback tools make it easy for your team to identify the top issues so you can take action where it matters most.

Customer feedback data helps your whole team

Feedback is a gift and customer insights are what help drive your business forward. When your team understands what the client needs, their pain points, and what makes them happy, they can work together to improve your product or service, better the customer experience, and ultimately increase revenue.

Some of the departments that benefit from our customer feedback tool include:

Customer support: Instead of manually compiling customer feedback data and analyzing it themselves, your customer support team gets an instant and complete picture of common problems which can be used to flag to the correct teams to help improve customer satisfaction and internal processes.

Product management: Rather than reading through every online review, our feedback software allows product managers to quickly identify areas for improvement and take the necessary steps to boost customer loyalty and experience.

Marketing: When your marketing team truly understands the customer pain points, they can publish better content and ad creative that resonates with the target audience.

C-Suite: Idiomatic’s automated feedback software gives C-Suite members quick understanding of weak links in the chain, where extra efforts are needed, and how much progress is being made company-wide.


Why choose Idiomatic’s customer feedback tool

Our customer feedback analytics app is easy to use and completely customizable. Our team partners with yours to build a completely unique customer experience management system for your teams. And our visual feedback tool allows you to uncover actionable insights more easily than ever.

Analyze large volumes of data in seconds. Whether it’s existing customer feedback data or real-time data that’s coming in, our customer feedback tool can process it all. 

Our system is also completely secure and confidential. We understand that your data is sensitive and should be kept private. That’s why we take the proper precautions to ensure the safety of your data and the data of your customers.

But don’t just take our word for it. Check out what our customers have to say about us.


What our customers say


The most powerful customer feedback tool on the market

If you want fast, accurate, and secure feedback analysis, trust one of the best customer feedback tools on the market today: Idiomatic.

Our customer feedback analytics solution is perfect for any industry and is compatible with any feedback source. 

Request a demo to see how Idiomatic can analyze customer feedback for your business.

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Turn your customer feedback into better customer experience today.

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Get a no-obligation, custom demo of Idiomatic’s AI-driven customer intelligence platform.

  • Learn how Idiomatic’s machine learning unlocks the full power of your customer feedback.
  • Learn how instead of manually reviewing and tagging customer feedback, your teams can focus on communicating with the product and operations teams that need to understand the story your customers are telling.
  • Learn how companies like yours are benefiting from Idiomatic’s solutions.

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