Overcoming Voice of the Customer program stagnation: Tips for keeping your strategy fresh

Voice of Customer

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A robust Voice of the Customer (VoC) program can transform your business by bringing customer needs, desires, and pain points to the forefront of strategic decision-making. However, like any long-term initiative, VoC programs can fall into stagnation over time, leading to a lack of actionable insights and diminishing value. This stagnation can occur due to outdated methodologies, insufficient stakeholder engagement, or a static approach to data analysis.

This blog post explores tips and strategies for maintaining momentum in your VoC program, ensuring that it remains innovative, relevant, and impactful.

Before we start, if you don’t have a VoC program yet but thinking about starting one, this article is for you:

Click here to learn more about starting a VoC program

Understanding program stagnation

Stagnation in a VoC program often manifests in the following ways:

  • Declining response rates: Customers lose interest in surveys and other feedback mechanisms, leading to poor response rates.
  • Repetitive insights: Insights derived from the program lack freshness, often repeating previously gathered information.
  • Low engagement: Team members and stakeholders show diminishing interest in the program and its findings.
  • Inadequate action: Insights fail to translate into meaningful action, resulting in little to no impact on the customer experience.

To overcome these challenges, your VoC strategy needs a refresh. Here’s how to maintain innovation and engagement.

Tip 1: Diversify your feedback channels

Relying on a single feedback channel, such as email surveys, can quickly lead to diminishing returns. Diversifying feedback channels not only provides a richer set of insights but also keeps customers engaged. Consider incorporating a mix of the following channels:

  • In-app feedback: Use real-time feedback prompts within your app or website.
  • Social media listening: Monitor customer conversations on social platforms for unfiltered feedback.
  • Live chat and support tickets: Analyze interactions from customer support and live chat tools.
  • Product reviews and testimonials: Gather insights from reviews and customer testimonials posted on your site or third-party platforms.

Tip 2: Personalize feedback requests

Generic feedback requests can alienate customers, causing response rates to plummet. Personalizing feedback requests based on customer history and behavior increases the chances of receiving meaningful insights. For example, tailor survey questions to reflect recent purchases or interactions, making customers feel heard and understood.

Tip 3: Refresh survey questions regularly

Survey questions can become repetitive over time, leading to disengagement. Regularly update your questions to reflect emerging trends, new products, or recent customer experiences. Open-ended questions can be particularly useful for gaining fresh insights, allowing customers to express their thoughts in their own words.

If you’re worried about analyzing open-ended answers, here’s how you can do the analysis by using a tool like Idiomatic:


Request a demo of Idiomatic

Tip 4: Embrace new technologies for analysis

If your data analysis tools are outdated or lack advanced features, you might miss key trends and patterns in customer feedback. Modern text and sentiment analysis tools, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics can help you uncover new insights. Invest in these technologies to deepen your understanding and make your data analysis process more efficient.

Here’s an example of using a tool like Idiomatic for sentiment analysis:


Request a demo of Idiomatic

Tip 5: Promote cross-departmental collaboration

Stagnation often arises when different departments operate in silos, limiting the impact of VoC insights. Encourage collaboration across departments by:

  • Regular reporting: Share VoC insights with all relevant teams through regular reports.
  • Workshops: Host cross-departmental workshops to brainstorm solutions based on customer feedback.
  • Alignment of objectives: Ensure each department aligns its objectives with the customer pain points.

Click here to learn more about cross-departmental collaboration through VoC insights

Tip 6: Create a feedback loop

Closing the feedback loop involves informing customers that their input has been heard and has led to real change. This process not only keeps customers engaged but also builds trust in your brand. Share updates on actions taken based on their feedback through newsletters, social media, or dedicated sections on your website.

Tip 7: Recognize and reward engagement

Recognizing team members and departments that actively engage with the VoC program can significantly boost morale and motivation. Consider the following:

  • Public recognition: Acknowledge contributions in internal newsletters or meetings.
  • Rewards: Offer bonuses, incentives, or awards to teams who translate VoC insights into impactful actions.
  • Career growth opportunities: Create pathways for growth for those who excel in customer-focused roles.

Tip 8: Regularly review and refine your strategy

Schedule regular reviews of your VoC strategy to identify areas that need improvement. Involve team members and stakeholders in these reviews to gather diverse perspectives and ensure that the strategy remains aligned with overall business objectives.

Tip 9: Foster a culture of innovation

Innovation is the antidote to stagnation. Foster a culture where new ideas are welcomed, and risk-taking is encouraged. This culture should permeate all levels of the organization, from leadership to frontline staff, to ensure everyone is invested in improving the customer experience.


A Voice of the Customer program is a dynamic initiative that requires continuous attention and innovation. By diversifying feedback channels, personalizing requests, embracing new technologies, and fostering cross-departmental collaboration, you can keep your VoC program fresh and impactful. Regularly refining your strategy and rewarding engagement will further ensure that insights translate into actions that improve the customer experience.

When your VoC program is thriving, customers will feel that their voices are heard, and your organization will benefit from deeper customer loyalty, reduced churn, and improved products and services. With these tips, you can overcome stagnation and keep your VoC strategy relevant in a constantly evolving marketplace.