Instant Voice of Customer of LLM apps: What users like and dislike about them

Voice of Customer

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With Idiomatic’s new self-serve version, we analyzed 3 of the most popular LLM apps’ app reviews and found out what users like and dislike about them. 

Apps: ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Bing: Chat with AI & GPT-4

Data source: App reviews

App store: Google Play & iOS

Timeline: June 11-18, 2024

Number of app reviews analyzed: 4,999

Let’s start with the good news:

More than 50% of the LLM app reviews are positive, people love these LLM apps!

LLM apps overview

What do users love most about these LLM apps?

general app praise

Numerous users provide general praise for the app, highlighting its effectiveness, supportiveness, and innovative features. For example, some users love these apps for homework assistance.

praise-homework help

What do users dislike most about these LLM apps?

Unsurprisingly, reports of technical errors and bugs that hinder user experience are the number one issue users complain about. Some specific examples include:

  • Inconsistent app performance and errors
  • Text and typing related glitches
  • JSON schema and text extraction issues
  • Voice and audio feature malfunctions
  • App crashes and loading issues
  • Image and photo functionality errors
  • Login and account access problems

technical errors and bugs

What do users complain most about ChatGPT?

On a high level, app functionality issues seem to be the most common ones for ChatGPT users as well. However, when we drill down, we see that their problems are different from the other LLM apps’. A few examples are:

  • Problems with app updates and performance
  • Frequent app crashes and unresponsiveness
  • Keyboard and typing difficulties

app functionality issues-chatGPT

chatGPT-rating 1-3

chatGPT-rating 1

What do users complain most about Google Gemini?

On a high level, app functionality issues seem to be the most common ones for Google Gemini users as well. However, when we drill down, unlike ChatGPT’s problems with app updates & performance or frequent app crashes & unresponsiveness, Google Gemini has specific issues with:

  • Installation and setup difficulties
  • Language and text comprehension problems
  • App interfering with phone functionality

app functionality issues-google gemini

google gemini-rating 1

google gemini-rating 1-2

google gemini-rating 1-3


What do users complain most about Bing: Chat with AI & GPT-4?

The most common issue for Bing users who gave low ratings is:

App functionality issues: Users report frequent crashes, login issues, and specific feature malfunctions like missing buttons and landscape view problems.

app functionality issues-bing

However, when we drill down, unlike ChatGPT’s problems with app updates & performance or Google Gemini’s installation & setup difficulties, Bing has specific issues with:

  • App rewards and earnings management 
  • App content access and loading 
  • App login and user authentication 

bing-rating 1

To end this blog post on a good note, can you share a few great LLM app reviews?

Of course! 

chatGPT-rating 5

google gemini-rating 5

bing-rating 5

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