Building a scalable voice of customer program: Challenges and solutions

Voice of Customer

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Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs are essential for understanding customer needs, preferences, and pain points. As businesses grow, scaling these programs becomes crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction and driving continuous improvement. However, scaling a VoC program presents several challenges, from data management to maintaining engagement. In this blog post, we will discuss common obstacles faced when scaling VoC efforts and provide practical solutions for overcoming them.

Challenges of Scaling a VoC Program

1. Data Overload

As businesses expand, the volume of customer feedback can become overwhelming. Managing, analyzing, and deriving actionable insights from vast amounts of data is a significant challenge. The most common problem in scaling VoC is scaling your anecdotes while maintaining a data-driven approach. At the start, you read everything and feed the best anecdotes back to different teams in the company to drive changes. However, when customer feedback data scales, you can’t read everything; hence you can’t be sure you are choosing the right anecdotes. This is where processing (classifying) customer feedback comes in to save the day. It’s as if you can read every customer feedback yourself, but even better you can remember them all at the same time too! 

Solution: Implement Advanced Analytics Tools 

Invest in advanced analytics tools that can process large customer feedback datasets quickly and efficiently. Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can automate data processing, identify patterns, do sentiment analysis and provide deeper insights. Here’s an example of how you can turn your customer feedback data into voice of customer insights within minutes:


Try Idiomatic for free with your own data

2. Maintaining Data Quality

With the increase in feedback volume, ensuring the quality and accuracy of data can become difficult. Inconsistent data can lead to incorrect insights and misguided decisions.

Solution: Standardize Data Collection Processes 

Establish standardized processes for collecting and handling customer feedback. Use consistent formats and channels to ensure data uniformity. Regularly audit and clean your data to maintain its quality. Implementing data validation tools can also help in catching errors and inconsistencies early.

3. Ensuring Consistent Customer Engagement

As your customer base grows, keeping customers engaged and willing to provide feedback can be challenging. Low engagement rates can skew your insights and reduce the effectiveness of your VoC program.

Solution: Diversify Feedback Channels and Personalize Requests 

Diversify your feedback collection methods to include customer support tickets, surveys, social media listening, in-app feedback, and live chat interactions. Personalize feedback requests based on customer history and behavior to make them more relevant and engaging. Offering incentives for feedback can also boost participation rates.

4. Integrating VoC Data Across Departments

Siloed departments can hinder the effective use of VoC data. Ensuring that insights are shared and acted upon across all relevant teams is critical for a unified customer experience.

Solution: Implement a Centralized VoC Platform 

Adopt a centralized VoC platform that integrates with existing customer feedback systems such as your help center. This platform should facilitate seamless data sharing and collaboration across departments through automated reporting. Regular cross-departmental meetings and workshops can also foster a culture of collaboration and ensure everyone is aligned with customer-centric goals.

5. Scaling Actionable Insights

Turning vast amounts of feedback into actionable insights that can be effectively implemented at scale is a daunting task. Prioritizing which insights to act upon can also be challenging.

Solution: Use Prioritization Frameworks 

Implement prioritization frameworks like the RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) scoring model to evaluate and prioritize insights based on their potential impact and feasibility. Regularly review and update your action plans to ensure they align with current business objectives and customer needs.

6. Ensuring Continuous Improvement

Maintaining momentum and continuously improving your VoC program as it scales can be challenging. Stagnation can lead to missed opportunities and declining customer satisfaction.

Solution: Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement 

Promote a culture of continuous improvement within your organization. Regularly review and refine your VoC strategies based on feedback and performance metrics. Encourage experimentation and innovation, and celebrate successes to motivate teams.

Learn more about VoC program stagnation

Practical Solutions for Overcoming Scaling Challenges

1. Leverage Technology for Automation

Automation can significantly enhance the efficiency and scalability of your VoC program. Utilize AI-powered chatbots for real-time feedback collection and automated surveys to gather insights at different touchpoints. Automation tools can also streamline data processing and analysis, freeing up your team to focus on strategic initiatives.

Here’s how you can automate your VoC process from start to finish:


Try Idiomatic for free with your own data

2. Adopt a Customer-Centric Organizational Structure

Restructure your organization to prioritize customer-centricity. This may involve creating dedicated VoC teams or roles within each department to ensure customer feedback is continuously integrated into decision-making processes. Empower employees at all levels to act on customer insights, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

Learn more about creating a customer-centric culture

3. Develop Comprehensive Training Programs

Equip your teams with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage and act on VoC insights. Develop comprehensive training programs that cover data analysis, customer engagement techniques, and the use of VoC tools. Regularly update these programs to keep pace with evolving best practices and technologies.

4. Establish Clear Metrics and KPIs

Define clear metrics and KPIs to measure the success of your VoC program. These should include metrics such as NPS and CSAT scores. Regularly track and report on these metrics to assess performance and identify areas for improvement. Make sure your metrics are aligned with the overall company objectives.

Learn more about VoC metrics

5. Foster Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Encourage cross-departmental collaboration by establishing regular communication channels and collaborative projects focused on improving the customer experience. Use shared goals and incentives to align departments and ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives. Creating a culture of collaboration can help break down silos and ensure a unified approach to customer feedback.

Learn more about cross-departmental collaboration

6. Prioritize High-Impact Areas

Focus your efforts on high-impact areas that can drive significant improvements in the customer experience. Use data analysis and prioritization frameworks to identify the most critical issues and opportunities that would affect the company objectives the most. By addressing high-impact areas first, you can achieve quick wins that build momentum and demonstrate the value of your VoC program for your company.


Building a scalable Voice of the Customer program is essential for businesses looking to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and drive continuous improvement. While scaling VoC efforts presents several challenges, practical solutions such as leveraging technology, fostering a customer-centric culture, and promoting cross-departmental collaboration can help overcome these obstacles.

By implementing these strategies and continuously refining your VoC program, you can ensure it remains effective and impactful as your business grows. The result is a deeper understanding of your customers, more informed decision-making, and a stronger, more resilient customer experience that drives loyalty and long-term success.